
By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everyday You Have Something to Say

Learn and Speak Well with the Wisdom of Quotations 

Quotes help us LEARN. Quotes help us TEACHQuotes lend credibility. Quotes share EXPERIENCE. Author and Speaker Barbra Winters calls quotations a ‘Seminar in a Sentence’.  As Michael Montaigne said,  ‘I quote others only in order to better express myself’.   Quotes reinforce MESSAGE.  Quotes Tell Our Story and REINFORCE our Commonality

Influencers communicate their ideas or a tasks clearly and concisely. Leaders inspire others with ideas and words.  Communicators learn from the well crafted, relevant words from the wise and famous.  Quotations used at the right time, help Presenters communicate more effectively.  

"We help our audience learn when we use quotations; we help ourselves learn with quotations."  I am a quotation junkie. I am also a Presenter and Coach. 

Keep, Sort, Find, and Use Your Favorite Quotes in a Microsoft Excel Table 

Over time on the road as a speaker, I had accumulated a large number of seemingly random quotations. I wrote them on all sorts of ranomly sized things and in various notebooks and all over multiple weeks over multiple months of multple years of academic planners. 

Sadly, I had NO IDEA how many quotes I had, where to find them, and no logical way to sort or access and use them.

One day I was teaching an Excel class, I had an epiphany to use the Power of an Excel Table to keep and find my favorite quotes. I called it QuoteTable. 

I created QuoteTable with three key word columns and the power of the search features of Excel to find the right quotation at the right time.  Excel make adding quotations quotations in a variety of ways and easily customizeable.    

When I started entering my favorite quotes into my QuoteTable, I thought mayebe i'd collect a thousand quotes. Now, so many years and so many presentations later, I have a searchable, sortable, and accessable data base of over 10,000 quotes.

There is an old proverb that posits, ‘A quotation at the right moment is like bread to the famished’. Whenever I heard or saw a great quote, I would write it down with whatever I had, wherever I could. I was hungry to collect quotations.

After 5 or 6 years haphazardly collecting quotes, I had hundreds of  scraps of paper, napkins, notebooks, and in multiple years of day planners. I had no way, other than random luck, to find any quote on any topic. If i wanted to use the 'wisdom of the ages' , I needed a system to collect, sort, and of course find my favorite quotations. Ideally, they would be accessible from multiple locations too. 

Quotes on Quotations

The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotation. 

Benjamn Disraeli

I quote others only in order to better express myself.

Michael de Montaigne

Affirmations and quotes are a great way to rewire your thoughts. 

Scott Allan

It is in the quotations of so many incredible people that I am able to find succinct clarity about life's infinite challenges. 

Peter Begely

A quotation represents a condensation of the spirit, a condensation of the philosophy and attitude adopted and applied by the author in his thoughts, speeches and actions. 

Frederic Deltour

I love powerful quotes because they can influence your life and give you something to reflect on with just a few words of wisdom at a time. 

Kim Burke

Three Areas of Focus for Speaking Entrepreneuers


There is more to presenting than just talking to an audience. Knowing what to do and when to do it will create your positive lasting impression.


Know  what software to use and how to use it too makes you more professional. Master tasks in Microsoft Office to be more creative, productive, and professional too!


A quote is worth a thousand words .  Finding the right quotation at the right time adds to your credibility and reinforces your message. 

On ByronWolt.com, I share information with you that can help you save time frustration, to make yourself look more professional and do it easier. If you are interested in Quotes or organizing them in Excel, I am happy to help.  

Speak Up.  Speak Out.  And Speak Well.

Every Day You Have Something to Say.  Every day you present yourself to other people.  Every day you communicate verbally and in writing. You live in an increasincly visual, multi media world. Learning how to be more creative and effective in creating a delivering your message, formally and informally, is a life skill that benefits you in many ways.  You can learn these skills.

If you want to learn more about speaking and presenting, I want to help.

Copyright ByronWolt.com

