There is more to being a Speaker than 'just' speaking.
Learn More. Earn More.

The Business of Self Promotion 

When I started Speak to Students, I was a Youth Worker. I didn't know the blurbs I wrote in brochures and newsletters that got kids to pester their parents to sign up for activities was copy writing and marketing. I didn’t know that when I gave presentations to parent groups, non-profits, and students in school assemblies and classrooms, I was a public speaker.  I LOVED giving presentations but I had NO IDEA it was actually a business.

I didn't even know there were people who made their living as copy writers, marketers, trainers, or public speakers,  the EXACT SAME THINGS I did as youth worker. I learned that wherever you worked - whether for a company, a small business, a non-profit or community organization, or school, or as an entrepreneur - these skills were valuable. 

When I started Speak to Students, my mission was to get in front of front of high school students anyway. Being a youth worker, I knew the speaking to students would come easy, but I had no idea how to approach it as a profession. 

I didn't even know what I needed to know, but I knew that if I wanted to speak to students,  I had to learn what to do and how to do it. So I learned.

I found free and low-cost ways to do what I needed to do without much of a budget. I created, marketed, scheduled, delivered, evaluated, and adapted presentations to meet and exceed challenging goals and targets. I developed systems for to keep and expand the audience I could reach. 

As I started giving 3 - 7 presentations a day, my learning curve for what worked and what didn't work was quick

Within two years, I was one of the top high school presenters in the country. I created presentations and marketing materials that worked. I developed a system to teach what I learned and soon my Speak to Students materials were used by hundreds of high achieving high school and college presenters to be successful in their local markets to reach their target audiences across the country too. I started teaching other high school and college speakers, educators and youth marketers about how about Speak to Students in exciting settings like Disney World, Las Vegas, Hawaii, and in the Bahamas.

We all have good ideas. Learning how to use software and the tools of technology to take your ideas into a finished product, is a great skill to have. Whether you want to increase your value for your current company, or are a content creator, speaker, trainer, teacher, or entrepreneur, I can help you learn.

On, I’ll provide strategies, techniques, and resources to help you save time, money, and frustration to make yourself look more professional.

Three Focus Areas for Self-Promotion

Be a Better Speaker

We are all public speakers. Everyday we present our ideas and ourselves to others in formal and informal interactions. Learning strategies and techniques from professional presenters will help you be a better communicate in your personal and professional life. 

The Tools to Create

Understanding what software to use and knowing how to use it, makes creating your content much easier. Microsoft Office Products and other content creation software allows 'normal' people to create AMAZING, Professional content to stand out, even in a crowded field.

Quote for Credibility

Having access to relevant quotations to increase your personal credibility and enhance audience retention. Regardless of the format of your content, quotes are incredibly useful to reinforce your message. Building a system to collect, keep, and find the right quote at the right time is a good thing.

Ideas to Do It Yourself

Understanding what to use and how to use it, makes creating your content much easier. From Microsoft Office Product, FREE Social Media, along with better speaking and writing and gives 'normal' people the ability to create AMAZING, PROFESSIONAL content to stand out, even in a crowded field.


Byron Wolt

Byron is a speaker that the audience is unlikely to forget.  Known as 'the speaker in sneakers' or 'the guy with the crazy tie', Byron brings the experience he earned through thousands of hours presenting to diverse audiences in a wide range of settings.  Interactive by design, Byron's presentation design and speaking style facillitate participation, increase retention, and create relevance for each participant in in each and every presentation.


There is more to presenting than just talking to an audience. Learn how to create a positive impression with Your Words, Your Image, Your Visuals, and Your Delivery EVERY Time YOU SPEAK!

Tool Kit

You will be more professional and save money when you Do It Yourself!  Mastering the software of business including Microsoft Office makes you more creative, productive, and professional too!


They say 'a quote is worth a thousand words' . The right quotation at the right time adds to your credibility and brings clarity your message. Use the Power of Excel to enter, organize, and find your favorite quotes with my original QuoteTable!

Speak Up.  Speak Out.  And Speak Well.

Every Day You Have Something to Say.  Every day you present yourself to other people.  Every day you communicate verbally and in writing. You live in an increasincly visual, multi media world. Learning how to be more creative and effective in creating a delivering your message, formally and informally, is a life skill that benefits you in many ways.  You can learn these skills.

If you want to learn more about speaking and presenting, I want to help.


